Total Solar Eclipse – Aug.1999

AbhiShri | | Monday, April 12th, 2010

Behind a curtain of clouds

In the Search of a Life-creator

Since the dawn of human civilization, man has been related with the oldest possible science – ASTRONOMY and ‘TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (TSE)’ is undoubtedly the best possible event with transcendental beauty that Astronomy has endowed to mankind. It was 24th Oct 1995 – the day on which I saw TSE for the first time in my lifetime – that I decided to see the TSE once again on 11th Aug 1999. Such is the beauty of the TSE that it tempts you each time you see it.

As far as ‘AKASHMITRA’ is concerned, we had geared-up our plans well in advance. Prabhakar Gokhale Sir, Abhay Puranik and Shrinivas Lele had a pilot trip to Kutch in April 1999 to select a place through ‘TOTALITY PATH’. Finally they came up with Bhachhau – a Taluka place in Kutch – as the observation site for TSE which was considered as an ideal place – provided weather is favorable. Newspapers were pouring columns on this drama of overwhelming beauty about to take place in the firmament of Central Europe & Southern Asia.

Social development is a gradual process which is slow but sure. Over the last few decades mass media has had an absolute prevalence in evoking people across the country to watch this noteworthy event. From 16th Feb 1980 to 24th Oct 1995 to 11th Aug 1999, the percentage of people with ignorance and ridiculous superstition about TSE has declined. In order to minimize this percentage further, AKASHMITRA and YADNYAVALKYAhad jointly organized a lecture and a slide show on TSE by Mr. Hemant Mone.

On 10th Aug 1999, we 63 people started our journey by 9031 DN Kutch Express with a tremendous desire – perhaps the mightiest force in the universe!! JJ. BUT, there was a room for uncertainty of viewing the TSE because of the monsoon and though we had selected the place with very low average rainfall, the whole area had been under the canopy of obstinate clouds over the last few days.

On 11th Aug at 8 am we reached Bhachhau station and within an hour reached at ‘Karia Dham’ where lodging was arranged. Lodging, lunch and dinner arrangement at Karia Dham was just the perfect and the hospitality was too good. But most of the people were a bit nervous due to saturnine weather conditions and were entreating their respective GOD for clearance of the sky – at least during TOTALITY.

But ALMIGHTY seemed to have a different ‘Game Plan’ altogether. In the afternoon the bashful Sun came out of the clouds for a while and disappeared again. But that was enough to provoke the enthusiasm, the verve among the members, showing their earnestness towards the TSE.

At 4.30 pm, we left for the FORT – the actual observation site – about 10 mins away from KARIA DHAM. The weather conditions seemed as worst as it could ever have been. The first contact time was 4:57:35 pm and second contact time was 5:59:25 pm. We literally had nothing to do with the Sun till 5:59:00 pm but suddenly at around 5:15 pm the grudging Sun made its appearance showing the Partial Phase of the Eclipse.

All our members were enjoying every minute of it and their hopes of viewing the TOTALITY were rising constantly. BUT ‘What we anticipate seldom occurs; What we least expect generally occurs!’ At around 5:45 pm – 15 min before TOTALITY – one huge cloud invaded and engulfed the engulfing Life-creator …without showing any clemency whatsoever!

The next 15 min were absolutely astonishing…The shadow was slowly creeping in. At around 5:59:20 pm Shishir pointed out something (Moon’s shadow) coming towards us from the west and within next few seconds it darkened so fast and so mysteriously that we were in a complete darkness. All the members gave a standing ovation to the Moon’s shadow with applause.  Our joy knew no bounds. Truck drivers on the highway had to put headlights ON, a train coincidently passing by had put the lights ON… lights were ON from all around giving us quite a sensational feeling. Local people too were enjoying this natural prodigy!

BUT it lasted for just ‘63 seconds’. Soon it started brightening and the way it brightened was just stupendous and a bit intriguing as well J. Everybody enjoyed the TOTALITY though nobody could actually see the TOTALITY, the precious DIAMOND RING and that serene CORONA.

Though I had experienced the TSE of 1995, it was extremely hard for me to imagine the drama which touched my heart but which was far away from me – behind those merciless clouds. It was really painful and must have been more painful for those who had not seen it before. BUT then, I must say that what I experienced was a special one! Ephemeral experience, memories of which will last for eternity!!!!!

Next one is due on 22nd July 2009 … Eagerly waiting for yet another life-time experience!! 🙂

Abhijit Avalaskar



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