
AbhiShri | | Saturday, October 9th, 2010

Gandhari Visit – 09.10.2010

Remarks –

  • Visit with new birder friend- Abhijeet Pachpande (Thane)
  • Weather extremely foggy till 9 am.
  • Sighting of Blue-tailed bee-eaters, Small Minivet pair, Pied Cuckoo, Asian Openbill Storks, an Osprey (near roadside flying along with kites)

Gandhari Visit – 10.10.2010

Remarks –

  • Went alone cycling to Gandhari for the first time
  • Sighting of ever elusive Painted Francoline for the first time and got decent shots 🙂

Gandhari Visit – 11.12.2010

Remarks –

  • Visit to Gandhari (for bird photography) after almost 2 months
  • Advent of cold weather was soothing.
  • Imp sightings – Common Rose finch, Cotton teal (5-6 individuals), Western Marsh Harrier, Black-headed cuckooshrike, Indian Grey Hornbill pair feeding on fig


Gandhari Visit – 05.06.2011

After a lot of confusion about deciding between Yeur and Gandhari, finally made it to Gandhari. Rain had already made a soil moist on the earlier evening and this resulted in some snakes making their appearance visible on a open land. (For the first time, I saw 4 snakes on a single day – 3 Rat Snakes ( Marathi – Dhaman), 1 Spectacled Cobra (Marathi – Naag)).

Pied Crested Cuckoo (Marathi – Chatak) pair was happily feeding on the ground insects – easy food for them after the first rain ! This was my closest encounter with this beautiful bird !! (This bird is a summer migratory bird – originating from East Africa)


Remarks –

  • For the first time, encountered 4 Snakes in wild on a single day
  • Rat snake caught a Toad but size, and moreover, determination of Toad to survive, saw Rat Snake loosing the battle. Those were the exciting 2-3 min for me and surely for the Snake & the Toad as well :-).
  • Closest encountered with Pied Crested Cuckoo.  Pair was seen feeding on ground insects for a long time.




Gandhari 9th/16th/22nd/23rd Oct 2011

With extreme dew all over the area, spent 7 out of last 23 mornings at Gandhari. With Diwali approaching, there was hint of winter since last few days (just a slight hint indeed 🙂 ) and hence, Sun didn’t really bothered much.  Sept end – Oct are good months for macro photography (usually with no rain and ample sunlight). You can see butterflies, damselflies, grasshoppers,  flowers…everything so fresh!! These are the shots I managed to click over the weekends.


Remarks –

  1. Blue-tailed bee-eaters seemed to have arrived in Oct 1st week.
  2. Sighting/ Photo of not so commonly “seen” Eurasian wryneck by Dhanashri (21.10.2011)
  3. Very good Booted eagle sighting (migratory eagle from Europe, north Africa wintering in Sub-Saharan africa and South Asia. Didn’t carry camera however photo is clicked by Santosh Gulvani (09.10.2011)
  4. Pied kingfisher sighting after a long time (By Dhanashri – 21.10.2011)
  5. Pied Crested cuckoo’s still at Gandhari
  6. Painted Francolines’ activity was heard till 16th Oct but no activity heard on 22nd/23rd Oct. (This resident bird is heard only around monsoon season)
  7. Asian Paradise Flycatcher was surprisingly seen on a comparatively open area
  8. Uncommon mating of ‘Six spot ground beetle involving 3 specimens. (Sadly, didn’t carry camera and had to take photo using mobile cam…. For the first time realized that Mobile cam technology is not so useless :-)) – Evening of 02.10.2011




Gandhari 12th Oct 2013 


Just realized that it’s almost after 2 years that I’m posting Gandhari images :-).


Psyche butterfly DSC_0244 Gray pancy butterfly Greater coucal (Nikon 80-200 + 2X TC DSC_0145 DSC_0159 DSC_0167 White-Orange tip butterfly DSC_0198 DSC_0199 Psyche butterfly






  1. superb……..Abhijeet….

    you have been gifted by god, with the great skill of keen observation and capturing the life in camera as it is.

    keep it up man….

    Comment by Rajesh — October 10, 2010 @ 10:29 am

  2. Great dude,
    And pictures are very good. Even of European Roller
    U r too good
    Keep it up…….

    Comment by Sagar — October 11, 2010 @ 5:39 am

  3. painted francolin in Kalyan… what a news… photos pf damsselflies are superb!

    Comment by Atul Kolhe — October 11, 2010 @ 11:29 am

  4. Faarach bhari Macros………..

    Comment by manali — October 11, 2010 @ 11:37 am

  5. mastach… Abhijeet
    Great !!
    Keep it up.

    Comment by Swati — October 14, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

  6. Hi Abhijit,

    Excellent photographs. Would love to visit Gandhari with you once again 🙂

    Congrats for your Nikkor 300/f 2.8 !!

    Comment by Santosh Gulavani — October 16, 2010 @ 10:48 pm

  7. kharach khup chan

    Comment by Gautam — December 12, 2010 @ 11:35 am

  8. Cracking images Abhi!! Your 300 mm f/2.8 rocks !!

    Comment by Animish — December 12, 2010 @ 12:10 pm

  9. Too good pics. As always.

    Comment by Sagar — December 13, 2010 @ 3:02 pm

  10. Sahi mitra……….. amhala pan gheoon chal kadhi tari

    Comment by Mayu — December 13, 2010 @ 10:53 pm

  11. Great Pics.

    Comment by Mohandas — December 14, 2010 @ 11:57 pm

  12. hey i have a pair of purple rumped sun bird in our garden and i think i will soon b able to aet some live experience of their nesting

    Comment by jyutika — December 15, 2010 @ 10:00 pm

  13. great post, thanks for sharing

    Comment by Daniel — December 17, 2010 @ 9:22 pm

  14. Masta. Teen dhaman, ek kobra eka diwsat! Mala shevatchya phototlyacha tura faar avadla 🙂

    Comment by Gauri — June 6, 2011 @ 12:46 am

  15. Surekh photos aahet. Gandhari has got variety 🙂 . Loved all the pics

    Comment by Animish — June 6, 2011 @ 9:55 am

  16. Miissed it !!

    Very nice pics abhi.

    Comment by Harish Chandak — June 6, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

  17. great pics….mast….

    Comment by prachi kulkarni — June 6, 2011 @ 8:31 pm

  18. Lively pics. Pratyaksh pahilela Snake & Toad cha tharar photo tun jivant zala.
    Thanks for sharing. Would like to meet again..

    Comment by Bhuvnesh & Sheetal — June 6, 2011 @ 9:39 pm

  19. Thanks a lot!… will surely meet !

    Comment by Abhijit — June 6, 2011 @ 11:35 pm

  20. Superb snaps Abhijit. Pied cuckoo snaps are too good. Wondering whether the toad would have survived after getting whole of it’s head in snake’s mouth !!

    Comment by Santosh Gulavani — June 7, 2011 @ 12:43 pm

  21. Rat Snake on a hunt! That was a wonderful shot, Abhijit !
    Hats off to your efforts.
    Keep clicking.

    Comment by Shishir — June 8, 2011 @ 9:59 am

  22. Stupendous Abhi !……….Want to see the video too of the Snake and toad !!

    Comment by Heera — June 16, 2011 @ 8:56 pm

  23. awesome… 🙂

    Comment by Gouri — October 24, 2011 @ 2:34 pm

  24. Unbelievable that these are around Gandhari , Beauty is in the eye of beholder , so true …:)

    Comment by Manoj Binhani — October 25, 2011 @ 2:13 pm

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