Mourning Monday morning…

AbhiShri | | Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Last weekend was a bit happening for us… one of my friends called me up to look at the bird chick he found near his shop. On reaching I realized it to be Red-vented Bulbul’s chick (from the body design and bird call) – may be a couple of weeks short of flying on its own. Taking it home, I put it outside window in a well-ventilated box (it had numerous extremely tiny insects on its body). Next day morning, pushing the lid aside, it came out of the box and sat on a plant close-by. Sparrow couple – regular visitor to collect nesting material – arrived, threw a glance at the chick and kept doing their duty. Soon, probably listening to chick’s call, a Bulbul pair came and started inspecting it. Purple-rumped Sunbird – Male also came in. Sparrows, Bulbul’s and Purple-rumped Sunbird – Male… all of them started discussing about the identity of a new member. Bulbul’s finally got it right, accepted it as their chick and soon started feeding (wow….that was THE MOMENT for Dhanashri & me :-)). We felt ecstatic…we felt relieved. For the rest of the day, the Bulbul pair ensured the safety of chick and also fed it intermittently. We went to sleep with great satisfaction.

I got up at 6 am the next day (the boring Monday morning 🙁 ), and went straight to check the chick. Bulbul pair was already their and hence I felt extremely happy. I sms ed the same to Mayuri @ 7 am (we had a discussion about the same the earlier evening). Everything seemed nice and fine till…till I reached company. Just when I was about to start the breakfast, mobile rang and Dhanashri informed me that chick is no more… that was shocking…I went numb for a moment… asked Dhanashri to bury it well. Things sometimes change dramatically. Firstly, we never thought of that Bulbul pair to return and accept it as their chick and then after everything went well on Sunday, we didn’t expect Monday morning to be sooooooo mourning :-(:-( !!

For video, visit…


  1. too sad

    Comment by Atul Kolhe — September 22, 2010 @ 9:11 am

  2. so bad! 🙁

    Comment by trupti — September 22, 2010 @ 11:14 pm

  3. really touching….

    Comment by saras — November 9, 2010 @ 5:22 am

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